Blog Posts

Site Redesign
A minimal redesign that's a bit retro, a bit modern, plus a move to Next.js 14.

The Bakery Attack Take 2 by Haruki Murakami
Translation of Haruki Murakami's The Second Bakery Attack, a Japanese short story published in 1985.

Building TranslateFiction
I built a small app in a weekend with the OpenAI API to help me translate short fiction.

Building Yaya 1/4: Intro
Reflections on learning to code and building an AI language learning app, which never took off.

Building Yaya 2/4: Lessons Learned
A deeper dive on the lessons learned while building Yaya

Building Yaya 3/4: Backstory
How I got to Yaya, what I did, and our early iterations

Building Yaya 4/4: Tools
Key tools (ChatGPT, Next.js, Firebase) and basics for beginners

A 7 month Honeymoon
Courtney's and Patrick's postnuptial adventures in Asia, South America, and around the US.

Axolotl by Julio Cortázar
Translation of Julio Cortázar's Axolotl, a Spanish short story published in 1956.

What am I up to in 2023?
I'm getting married, learning to code, working on a language learning app, and traveling to Asia.

Relearning to Code as an Adult
My journey from years of false starts to coding again, plus some lessons learned.

Bashō Haiku
Translations of a few Japanese haiku by Matsuo Bashō (1644-1694).

Early thoughts on AI
Initial impressions of various AI tools that I've been trying.